

Today I bought about 7 or 8 magazines...( GQ, Rolling Stone, Esquire, Details...) and cut out lots of pictures of hotties. I'm trying to make a hot guy collage but It will take a while. I got the idea from my cousin, Honor, she has a LARGE collection of hotties in her room. I wonder if mine will ever be as big as hers.......

Also, I'm babysitting at 5 tonight for my neighboor, and, well, to tell the truth I don't really want to. A few days ago I burned my hand on the toaster oven, and it hurts right now. I haven't been keeping up on my skateboarding...I'm too lazy. For X-mas I want Snowboarding lessons. My friend Izzy is really good at snowboarding, but bad at skating, so we made a little deal where we'd teach the other. Her mom said she would think about going snowboarding and bringing me along, after I get a few lessons under my belt.

The picture is of BORAT, a great movie.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like your day is...um.....interesting.....yeah.
I love BORAT, props for that.